Sunday, 27 June 2010

Sidewalk Magazine

The worlds biggest skateboarding magazine 'Sidewalk' uses a very simple layout for their front cover, I like this idea because there is hardly anything on the cover, it doesnt take away from the photo, the photo on the front cover of Sidewalk will always have a skateboarding doing a trick, so this makes it very different to music magazines that fill the front cover with ads and loads of text to try and grab your attention. Another thing i noticed was that sometimes the title 'Sidewalk' would only be outlined instead of being a block colour, this shows how much they care about their target market seeing the picture on the front if they are willing to not make their title stand out.

The conventions for the front cover of skateboard magazines is that it is always very simple, they use a very artistic photo and usually very pale colours, never use a variety of bright colours e.g electric blues and neon greens. They tend to stick to blues, whites and greys. however and exception to this rule is that they will use a bright colour if they are advertising something that comes free in the magazine, like a poster.

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