Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Criteria problem?

after looking through the criteria i noticed that it says i have to produce a 'Teaser trailer' so i decided to do some research into what is actually included in a teaser trailer. The definition said that it is a very short trailer (around 30-60 seconds) and usually contains little or no actually footage.

so i think maybe the writer made a mistake while writing the brief or just did it to try and trick the students. Therefore i am going to just make a standard trailer for the film (usually around 60-120 seconds) included details about release date and maybe actors name.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the 'teaser trailer' definition is not there to trick you at all! It is merely to give you a creative scope, but I think that you should make a conventional length trailer. Are standard trailers 2 minutes? Find some in the genre that you are interested in and upload links to demonstrate their duration.
