Monday, 8 November 2010

Skateistan: To live and skate in Kabul

This is a short documentary about the blooming sport of skateboarding in Kabul. It gives some background information about what goes on in Kabul, considering it is one of the most dangerous places in the world at the moment because of all the war, it is amazing that there is a community of skateboarders that is constantly growing thanks to Skateistan. It uses some incredible camera work along with some amazing skate locations, like collapse buildings due to bombings but what shocked me most about the locations was the skatepark,it's in what looks like a giant tin shed, but when Turza(the main character) opens the door, it reveals this beautiful, clean and well lit paradise for skateboarders. there are also some video dairies about this project which i will analyse in another post.
I really love the colours in the documentary, all the different shades of yellow give each clip character, this added in with the unique camera angles, gives the whole documentary a certain style.


  1. This documentary is a beautiful piece of work. If you are inspired to do something of this standard (with what you've got to work with) it'll be great. It's a cliche, but we don't know how lucky we are, eh?

  2. Go to the University of West England (UWE) and look up 'uwe media' in their search. Go to 'Grimm Fairytales' and you should come accross a student's work on Vimeo - 'Cuban Skateboard Crisis'. It's very much along the lines of what you want to make, so take the conventions from it and put it in your work.
