Friday, 26 November 2010


These are some of the photos I took, I tried to get a very simple but extremely high quality photo. They were taken using a Canon EOS 550D which is why I managed to captured all the detail in the skateboard with the photos.

Magazine Name

I decided on the name 'CONCAVE' for the name, this relates to skateboarding because concave is the what the curve in the board itself is called, when i decide on a final font i will upload it here.

Location: Adrenalin Alley, Corby

i emailed this company to see if they would let me in the park 10 minutes early to do some filming, but unfortunately i never received a reply. This means I'm going to go this weekend when it opens and see if i can get some footage before the whole park is packed.

Filming problems

Cold weather and ice, just what i needed, its practically impossible to skateboard in this weather so i'll have to wait out for a 'normal' day before i can get any decent footage.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Magazine Font/Titles ideas

Possible title ideas:
KINGPIN - Part of the skateboard truck
Riser - used in between the deck and trucks to reduce pressure cracks
Concave - the curve in the deck
FrontSide - a style of trick

Possible texts(links due to macs not being able to print screen)

Monday, 8 November 2010

Skateistan: To live and skate in Kabul

This is a short documentary about the blooming sport of skateboarding in Kabul. It gives some background information about what goes on in Kabul, considering it is one of the most dangerous places in the world at the moment because of all the war, it is amazing that there is a community of skateboarders that is constantly growing thanks to Skateistan. It uses some incredible camera work along with some amazing skate locations, like collapse buildings due to bombings but what shocked me most about the locations was the skatepark,it's in what looks like a giant tin shed, but when Turza(the main character) opens the door, it reveals this beautiful, clean and well lit paradise for skateboarders. there are also some video dairies about this project which i will analyse in another post.
I really love the colours in the documentary, all the different shades of yellow give each clip character, this added in with the unique camera angles, gives the whole documentary a certain style.