Monday, 20 September 2010

Magazine research Part 1

This is is the front cover of the best selling skateboard magazine 'sidewalk' although i have already done a post on this, i'm going to be using it for an example. I like how the cover is very simple and is basically just an image with their logo at the top, this style is very bold and effective, however my main issue with this style is that if i was to do a cover like this, i wouldn't get as many marks because it only has a few conventions of a magazine cover. These conventions being the large bold magazine title at the top of the page. The skateboarding has also been masked out so that he covers part of the title, magazine do this is because the know people already know what it says because the magazine is so popular, its like a sign of success. It has the magazine website underneath the title on the left hand side in small writing, this is for people that want to find out more about the magazine, The burst on the cover is used to catch the potential customers eye because its tells them about something interesting in the magazine(e.g free poster) these bursts are always in bright colours in contrast to the rest of the cover.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that using minimal design is a problem, providing the design is effective, stylish and conventional and looks like your style model whilst attracting the target audience.

    Keep working, and remember to post regular blogs.
