Thursday, 9 December 2010

Filming schedule

my location 'Adrenaline alley' is hosting an all-night skate event with competitions, this means i can do lots of filming and maybe get an interview or two with some of the people competing.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Front cover conventions i am going to use

For my front cover, i will have the obvious conventions like; price, magazine title, barcode and a banner along the bottom saying what is featured inside the magazine.
i am going to use a simple font in the banner, this is so that the viewer can read easily so it sticks to conventions. My magazine title is shown in a previous post, it is a very bold font that stands out in contrast with the simple font i will use for the rest.
I want to keep the cover pretty simple only use a max of 4 colours, i don't want it ending up looking like 'Hello' magazine or anything like that.

Heres a cover that has the style i am going for, it is simple with its use of colour. My favourite thing about this cover is the font used on the cover, not the title, but the content, it has been done in an italic font with a shadow behind it, also it is all in different sizes which but in a random order, it doesn't go small to big.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Front cover photo

After realising this weather would stop me being ableto get any good photos, i decided to look through all my old photos from when i used to skate all the time. this one was of my favorites that i found so i have decided to use it for the front cover, obviously it needs cropping so it will be the correct proportions to be used. this is from a school playcard near my house that we used to skate in. i might try adjust some of the colours to make it look better, i'll post a few adjustments if i find any i like.