Wednesday, 20 October 2010


technical codes - camera shots, movements
symbolic codes - choice of clothes or colours - symbolism
audio codes - music and dialogue

Skateboard documentaries use a very different approach compared to something like wildlife documentaries, its a much more 'down to earth' and laid back style, with shots that should have been bloopers being added into the final product just to give the documentary character. Camera shots; this is also something that is very unique to extreme sports documentaires because they have to film things in a whole different style, for skateboarding the camera man while mostly been skating beind the talent crouched down to get the best angle possible(see picture 1).

For choice of clothing 99% of the time it is up to the talent what they want to wear, however if it is a film for a certain brand, 'Etnies' for example, the talent would have to wear their brand of clothing for promotional reasons. For the odd time they do not get to choose their own clothes would be in a film like 'Lords of Dogtown' because it is set in the 70s, so obviously they have to wear the styles of that age.

Picture 1

Friday, 15 October 2010

conventions of film posters i am going to use

Film posters and their conventions

i really like this poster due to its simplicity, the use of only 3 colours really makes it stand out. The only issue i have with this poster is the 3 different styles of text, makes each of them look out of place but that might have been what they were aiming for.

This is a poster for the recently released 'Stay Gold' skateboarding film, what i love about the poster is the use of colour, although it's very abstract it shows character, also to add to the effect, the font chosen, it's practically a scribble, which is showing skateboard in its stereotypical 'i dont' care about anything' form.

Conventions i am going to use in my trailer

List of documentary films

Supersize meMorgan Spurlock eats nothing but McDonalds for 28 day, its shows the drastic lifestyle changes that happen to him.
Fighting for life, tells the story of docters and nurses in the military corp.
Buried alive: The Chilean mine rescue
A very British storm junkieStuart Robinson Chases storms around the UK
British Worst WeatherDr Nick Middleton of Oxford University investigates some of Britain's most extreme weather conditions, to find out how they are caused and why they are so dangerous
102 seconds that changed AmericaA documentary with 100s of different clips from the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center
Genius of Britain
The God Delusion Richard Dawkins decides that science should stop sitting on the fence, a documentary on the exposure of 'God' using science.