Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Poster Final

This was made using microsoft word due to my laptop not having Photoshop anymore, this meant i had to create this on school computers, which also meant i couldn't use the font i had decided on and ending up having to use a default. It was made in word so to export it has a image i had to print screen and copy it into paint, where i cropped it down to size, however this means the proportions aren't correct.


My project was too large to upload to blogger, so i had to upload to YouTube instead, this is an unlisted link which means you can only view it by following the link below, enjoy.

Song choice

Although it goes against some conventions of skateboarding, I decided to use a very upbeat fast electronic song by artist 'Skrillex'. The reasoning behind this is I wanted to make sure I could sync all the tricks up with the song to create a unique style not seen in many skateboarding movies. The electronic sounds also open up a lot of opportunities for editing techniques that do not work with genres like rock/hiphop.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Final Font
This is the font i decided to use. I choose this because it's style represents skateboarders because it is very 'Punk' which is a massive stereotype when it comes to skateboarders.
This is a font that i would have loved to use however it just didn't fit in with the style that i was trying to create, this would be used for a high end budget skateboard movie whereas mine is low budget and gives a view of the darker side of skateboarder, the high end budget films usually show off the artistic style of skateboarding by using unique filming angles and lighting.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Programs used

Sony Vegas Pro 9: This is what i used for the majority of editing, i've been using this program for about 2 years now so i am more comfortable using this software than what we have on our school computer (iMovie)

Adobe After Effects, I used this programme to cut out the part of the music i wanted and fade it and the start and end, usually AAE is used for special effects but because I was trying to stick to conventions, I didn't need to use all of AAE features.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

My plan fell through...

I couldn't get to the event i was planning on going to to do some filming because my car was still being repaired, this means i missed out on lots of good footage. However i'm planning on going either tomorrow or at the weekend with my cousins to get a lot more footage for me to edit together.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Filming schedule

my location 'Adrenaline alley' is hosting an all-night skate event with competitions, this means i can do lots of filming and maybe get an interview or two with some of the people competing.